Gary Yeowell/Getty Images
- You can add alt text to images in Squarespace to boost your website’s SEO and make it more accessible.
- An image’s file name acts as the alt text by default if no other alt text is provided.
- Changing or adding an image’s alt text can be accomplished with just a few clicks.
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Alt text, the text associated with an image that is sometimes displayed in place of an image, can help boost your site’s SEO (as search engines use alt text to identify the content of a webpage) and make it more accessible for people using assistive screen readers or browsers with images disabled.
When adding alt text to images, it’s best to use “short, readable terms that describe the image and relate to your site content,” according to Squarespace. They recommend keeping the text to 12 words or fewer, being descriptive and helpful (think about how you’d describe the image to someone who couldn’t see it), and incorporating keywords without going overboard.
In Squarespace, an image’s file name will usually serve as the alt text by default, but rather than renaming and reuploading your site’s images with more descriptive file names you can manually add alt text with just a few simple clicks.
For more information on adding alt text to different kinds of images on your Squarespace site than those detailed below, visit Squarespace’s website.
How to add alt text to an inline image in Squarespace
Captions added to inline photos automatically become the alt text for the image.
1. Add or edit the caption text.
2. Hover over the image, then click "Edit."

Abigail Abesamis/Business Insider
3. If you do not want the alt text/caption to be visible, navigate to the "Design" tab, then select "Do Not Display Caption" from the dropdown menu.

Abigail Abesamis/Business Insider
4. Click "Apply." When you're finished editing the page, click "Save."
How to add alt text to all other types of image blocks in Squarespace
For Poster, Card, Overlap, Collage, and Stack images, simply add alt text by editing the Filename.
1. Hover over the image, then click "Edit."

Abigail Abesamis/Business Insider
2. In the "Content" tab, edit the Filename.

Abigail Abesamis/Business Insider
3. Click "Apply." When you're finished editing the page, click "Save."

Abigail Abesamis/Business Insider
How to add alt text to a gallery page image in Squarespace
1. Navigate to the gallery page from the "Pages" panel.
2. Hover over the image, then click the gear icon.
3. Add alt text by editing the image title in the "Content" tab.
4. Click "Save."
How to add alt text to a gallery block image in Squarespace
Gallery blocks can be added to blog posts, product items, and individual events.
1. Hover over the gallery block, then click "Edit."
2. Hover over the image, then click the gear icon.
3. Enter an image title, then click "Save."
Related coverage from Tech Reference:
What is alt text? How to use the page element for images to improve your website's accessibility and search ranking
How to add alt text to images on Twitter so they can be read with screen readers
How to view, add, or edit alt text on an image in Microsoft Word to help users with screen readers
How to view and edit the alt text in a PDF you're creating, using Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat
How to add alt text to images on your website using Wix, to help users and boost your Google rankings