Although it may seem like an unpopular opinion, Halloween is not all it’s cracked up to be.
From the overwhelming task of picking a clever costume to pumpkin spice flavored everything, here are all the reasons why Halloween is the worst time of year.
1. There’s so much pressure to have a good time.
Much like New Year’s Eve or Valentine’s Day, there’s a lot of pressure surrounding Halloween.
You need to find a costume. You need to have enough candy. You need to have a good time. Your decoration needs to be on point.
It's a lot, and it's easy to get disappointed.
2. Picking a costume is stressful.
Do you pick a relevant costume, a sexy costume, a creative costume, or a funny costume? The options seem endless, and it can be hard to decide - especially when there are so many ways your costume can flop. Talk about being stressful.
3. Couples costumes are the worst.
If you're in a relationship, deciding on a costume with your SO can be challenging - especially if one of you is more into Halloween than the other.
If you're single, on the other hand, couples costumes are just another way the dreadful holiday can remind you of how you're alone.
4. Guessing what someone's costume is can be awkward.
There is nothing worse than having no idea what someone's costume is and having to ask. Except when they tell you and you still don't see it and have to pretend.
5. Candy corn starts taking over shelves.
Why doesn't anyone just admit that candy corn is gross?
6. Miserable pets forced to wear costumes.
A moment of silence for all the poor, poor pets who will be forced, against their will, to dress up as dinosaurs, hot dogs, and mermaids for their owner's amusement.
7. Friends try to drag you to haunted houses.
There is nothing worse than paying someone to traumatize you. Enough said.
8. Previews for horror movies increase tenfold.
Even if you hate scary movies, you can't escape them around Halloween, when previews for horror flicks take over TV stations and movie theaters.
9. It's expensive.
Costumes aren't cheap - and that's just the beginning of your Halloween expenses. Often you also have to factor in decorations, candy, party supplies, etc.
If you're a parent, the expenses just get worse!
10. Decorations can be truly terrifying.
Some Halloween décor is utterly terrifying, especially when you're walking home at night just minding your own business.
11. There's pressure to outdo your costume from last year.
Let's say you really nailed a Halloween costume one year. The following year, you'll be expected to top it... And so on and so on. It can become a vicious cycle.
12. It's cold out.
With the pressure to look sexy in some skin baring costume, people tend to forget that the end of October is usually really chilly. Then you have to decide between wearing a jacket and covering up the costume you spent so much time figuring out, or freezing to death. Your call.
13. You'll probably have a hangover the next morning.
Unless Halloween falls on a weekend, you will have to wake up for school or work the next morning. Let's hope the party was worth it.
Then, there's also the issue of finding a second, work appropriate but still creative costume to wow your colleagues with.
14. Clueless people continue to wear culturally insensitive costumes.
Cultures are not costumes! See more celeb costume faux pas here.
15. Halloween themed movies are all that's on TV, and they're really not that good.
Halloween themed movies are never good! Even "Hocus Pocus" only has a 30% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.
16. Parties are 80% posing for photos.
Costume parties are always 20% party and 80% taking group photos. Hope you like your costume because it will be all over Facebook tomorrow!
17. Pumpkin Spice everything.
Pumpkin spice products are great, but they have gotten way out of hand. Nobody needs pumpkin spice peanut butter or pumpkin spice Oreos.
18. Children get way too hyped up on sugar.
Although studies have shown that sugar doesn't make kids hyperactive, there is still a placebo effect that gives kids an excuse to run wild.
18. Kids have tantrums on every corner.
If you're a parent, you can expect your kids to have at least one Halloween tantrum. Whether it's "I didn't get the candy I wanted!" or "But I don't like this costume anymore!" Halloween brings out the worst in kids.
Even if you're not a parent, it seems impossible to not run into at least one kid having a tantrum.
20. Pumpkin carving is a lot harder than it looks.
Pumpkin carving is actually really hard and time-consuming - not to mention dangerous.
Even if you manage to not accidentally slice a finger off, you're still in for the treat of a rotten pumpkin stinking up your home for days to come.
21. All the shenanigans that are bound to happen.
Someone's house is bound to get egged or TP-ed.
22. Silly competitions abound.
Best costume, best decorations, apple bobbing - the competitions around Halloween seem endless.
23. Everyone has a Halloween party and it's impossible to choose which one to go to.
You either have too many parties to attend and run the risk of insulting at least one party host - or you don't have any and feel bad about yourself.
24. If your birthday is anywhere near Halloween, your birthday party always ends up being Halloween themed.
If you were born at the end of October, you can forget about a non-Halloween themed b-day.
25. There are terrifying stories of people putting razor blades in your candy.
Who would do such a thing?
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