Conservative political commentator Glenn Beck tore into Steve Bannon, President-elect Donald Trump’s chief strategist pick, on Monday during his radio show.

“Steve Bannon wants to burn it down,” said Beck, who has been a fierce Trump critic since the billionaire first launched his campaign.

“He’s a nightmare,” Beck continued. “And he’s the chief adviser to the President of the United States now.”

The talk radio host also suggested that Bannon holds views that are far more extreme than Trump’s, saying that the press should spend more time examining Bannon’s “clear tie” to white nationalism and anti-Semitism.

"He has built [Breitbart News] as a platform for the alt-right," said Beck, referring to the far-right website that has often taken controversial and racially-charged stances on policy issues, while abandoning traditional conservative news coverage for a more ethno-nationalist platform.

Bannon told Mother Jones that Breitbart was "the platform for the alt-right" during the Republican National Convention in July.

He has denied that Breitbart is a racist website, saying instead that it is "nationalist," and likened it to far-right movements in Europe, like France's National Front, led by Marine Le Pen.

Breitbart has run articles with headlines like "Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy," referred to conservative commentator Bill Kristol as a "renegade Jew," and repeatedly published objectively false claims about the LGBTQ community, the Muslim community, immigrants, and others.

Beck concluded the segment saying that Bannon "a terrifying man" who "wants to tear this system down."

Watch the segment below: