Young people are adopting an old-fashioned solution for the humiliation and hassle of dating apps

Whether it's a meetup at a dimly lit bar, an awkward blind date, a speed-dating event, or even an answer to a classified ad in the newspaper, American dating has long been an experiment of throwing strangers together and hoping for the best. In many cases, there was little to connect people except a shared geography or, perhaps, a mutual acquaintance.

For the most part, this dating formula worked. American marriages are full of people who started dating when they were complete strangers. A survey conducted by the Survey Center on American Life, where I'm the director, found that 46% of married Americans reported not knowing their spouse before they started dating.

But that's changing: Today's young adults, especially young women, are increasingly finding romance in their friend groups. In our survey, 43% of people between the ages of 18 and 29 said they were in a relationship with someone who was first a friend, including an astonishing 50% of women in that cohort. This is double the 21% of people over 65 who reported having been friends with their partner or spouse before they started dating. Among older couples, 52% said their significant other was a complete stranger to them before they got together, while only 35% of young people said the same. In other words, a lot more older Americans created a relationship out of thin air.

While the results of our survey were shocking, there's a growing body of research showing the importance of the friend-to-partner pipeline. A 2021 survey of college students by researchers at the University of Victoria in Canada found that a whopping 68% of people were friends with their partner before starting a romantic relationship, which suggests that the pipeline may be even stronger among the youngest set of Gen Zers.

This is a monumental shift in how Americans meet their partners. It also represents the most serious repudiation to online-dating culture to date, challenging the idea that young people ignore prospective partners who are stuck in the "friend zone." And for many women, it makes a lot of sense. In new research and interviews my team and I conducted with nearly two dozen young people, we found three big reasons Gen Z was drawn to friends more than strangers when it came to dating.

It's more fun

There is no doubt that more Americans are using dating apps, but whatever their benefits, many of the young people we talked to said that constant swiping had sucked much of the fun and excitement out of the process. In a 2023 survey from the Pew Research Center, 46% of Americans said their overall experience with online dating had been negative, up from 42% in Pew's 2019 survey on the subject, while just over half of women reported a negative experience. In interviews conducted for our survey, young people told us that they found online dating too transactional. Having nearly endless options can result in decision fatigue and greater doubt about the person they eventually select.

"People think that they just have a million options," one 26-year-old woman told us. "It's like when you want to watch a show, and you put on Netflix, and you literally find yourself not being able to decide for an hour, and then you wind up not watching anything."

Dating can induce feelings of anxiety, and this is especially true when we know little about the person, their background, and their intentions. In The Atlantic, Joe Pinsker wrote that dating a friend erased feelings of uncertainty and discomfort that often accompany the early stages of dating: "Relationships that emerge from friendships start from a place of care and warmth — which can mean avoiding the exhausting game-playing that can arise between two dating-weary strangers conditioned to look out for themselves."

This was a common refrain among interviewees. It's certainly easier to meet someone with dating apps, but they don't necessarily increase the odds of making a meaningful connection. "It's a lot easier to meet people, but finding someone that fits with you is not necessarily easier," one woman in her late 20s told us. "So it can be easy to fall into a habit of just kind of making these shallow connections and maybe not looking for something deeper."

Knowing something about a person may increase the odds of compatibility as well. Chemistry is not easy to quantify, but most of us know when we enjoy spending time with someone — and dating a friend increases the odds that the partner will have similar interests or values.

Trusting friends is easier than being sure of strangers

In no area of social life is trust more important than in intimate relationships. The process of building a relationship — which is the purpose of dating — requires us to let our guard down. But being vulnerable is so much more difficult if we are primed to mistrust the person sitting across from us.

Dating a friend may reduce concerns about trust, which is a major issue for young people. As I've previously written, today's young adults are uniquely mistrusting. They express lower levels of confidence in just about everything: government, corporations, the media, and even other people. A 2019 Pew Research Center survey found that 60% of young adults believed "most people can't be trusted," more than double the rate of that notion among older people. 

Trust is at even more of a premium when it comes to dating online. In a Pew survey conducted last year, 52% of Americans reported encountering what they believed to be a scammer on an online dating platform. And even when people are trying to be honest in their dating profiles, young people we interviewed told us, they may unintentionally misrepresent or mislead.

"It's just hard to know how the person truly is through the internet," one college student said. "You don't see their reactions. You don't see the way that they react to situations because you start talking online and you see the pictures online, and you're like, 'Oh, she's really pretty.' But that could be, like, a filtered photo."

There is no surefire way to prevent someone from betraying your trust, but dating someone who is already part of your life reduces the likelihood of it.

Mutual friends provide greater accountability

For a young woman, dating someone who shares a connection to the people or places in her life can simply be safer. In dating, especially online dating, women are bombarded with negative attention, harassment, or worse. The new Pew poll found that roughly four in 10 women under 50 reported having been called an offensive name while using dating sites. More than one in 10 had been threatened with physical violence, and 56% reported having been sent a sexually explicit image they did not request. This type of harassment is even more prevalent for young people: In a 2021 study by researchers at the University of Toronto, 84% of college-aged women reported receiving sexually inappropriate messages from a stranger online.

Much of the negative behavior women are subjected to in the process of dating is the result of a lack of accountability. While there are no guarantees, dating someone who is part of your social or professional circle provides more assurance that they won't act like a jerk, for fear of the social consequences that come from morally questionable behavior. And if they do act poorly, they are far more likely to face repercussions. Strangers may feel less compunction about mistreating people because the consequences of doing so are often minimal. As I've written previously, "The strength of shared social bonds encourages people to be on their best behavior."

The Washington Post columnist Christine Emba makes a similar argument in her book "Rethinking Sex": "In the past, meeting someone through friends and community gave something of an incentive for good, or at least socially acceptable, behavior." 

Dating a friend is not without its risks, though. We often prioritize different qualities in a romantic partner than a friend does, which makes the transition from friend to romantic interest difficult. A romantic miscalculation could result in hurt feelings or ruin the friendship. In certain settings, dating someone you know can have professional repercussions, too. Dating in the office is often frowned upon, but a recent Washington Post story said younger workers were increasingly accepting of office romances. 

The comforting news is that there is no perfect method of finding the right partner. People who married strangers are no less satisfied in their relationships than those who married a close friend, our survey found. We don't know if these relationships are more likely to endure, but given the confluence of factors that influence the quality and longevity of relationships, it's a good bet that how you meet is not much more than an interesting story.

Daniel Cox is director of the Survey Center on American Life and research fellow in polling and public opinion at the American Enterprise Institute.

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