Donald Trump is getting slammed from all corners Friday, and the latest Democrat to target him was Sen. Elizabeth Warren.
Coming off what some polls showed was a losing performance in the his first one-on-one debate with Hillary Clinton, Trump spent several days defending his treatment of women.
The woman at the center of it all is former Miss Universe winner, Alicia Machado. Machado has been campaigning on behalf of Clinton.
Clinton invoked Machado’s name at the end of the debate at Hofstra University on Monday, setting off a days-long crusade led by Donald Trump, in which the Republican presidential nominee first claimed to have done Machado a favor.
He later turned against Machado citing her alleged past indiscretions as evidence of what he calls Clinton’s bad judgment.
The real-estate mogul's ongoing tirade didn't go unnoticed. Clinton addressed the matter on Friday, saying Trump's late-night tweeting about Machado was "unhinged, even for" him. In response, Trump characterized his midnight missives as a presidential virtue, saying "at least you know I will be there, awake, to answer the call!"
Warren of Massachusetts, a frequent critic of Trump, apparently wasn't moved by his reasoning. In a series of tweets on Friday, Warren asked, "Is this what keeps you up at night, Donald Trump? Thinking of new & interesting ways to call women fat or ugly or sluts?"
"You never tweet at 3am with ways to help students getting crushed by debt or seniors struggling on Social Security," Warren continued. "You never tweet at 3am with ways to create new jobs for workers or hold Wall Street accountable."
Read the rest of Warren's tweets here»