- Donald Trump and a metaphorical Russian bear were the stars of a parade held in Düsseldorf, Germany.
- The traditional Rosenmontag procession satirises political subjects.
- Angela Merkel and Theresa May were also featured.
A carnival held in the German city of Düsseldorf played host to an array of eye-catching parade floats – including one attempting to visualise Donald Trump’s relationship with Russia.
The float, which was paraded through the streets on Monday, showed a naked representation of the US president being mounted by a bear wearing a Russian ushanka hat emblazoned with a red star.
On the side of the bear was written Russland-Affäre, which translates to “Russia affair”. Like its English equivalent, Affäre has a sexual connotation.
The float was a number of uncompromising satirical effigies offering a take on international affairs.
Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, was depicted on one as a black widow spider. Around her are bones representing other politicians, and underneath it says "next, please!"
It refers to ongoing coalition negotiations in Germany after their general election, which have seen many prominent figures leave government while Merkel maintains power.
A third float depicts British Prime Minister Theresa May, wearing a Union Jack dress in bed and, doting on a deformed creature labelled "Brexit" to which she appears to have just given birth.
The procession is part of Germany's annual "Rosenmontag" celebrations, which come just before Lent. It is a tradition for the carnival floats to mock the political themes of the day.