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- Spices don’t typically go bad past their expiration date — but they do lose flavor and potency.
- Whole spices will outlast ground ones and can be good for as long as four years when stored properly.
- To extend the shelf life of spices, put them in airtight glass jars and keep in a cool, dark space.
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You followed the recipe exactly, measuring out the herbs and spices to the gram. You eagerly braced yourself for the impact of powerful seasonings to crash over your taste buds, only to find it’s still lacking in flavor. That disappointment right there is the result of faded spices and the top reason to label the open dates on spices and replace them on a semi-regular basis.
Chefs suggest changing out your spices every eight months, but let’s be honest: That’s costly and you don’t cook with every member of your collection frequently enough to use up a bottle in that short of time. When store properly, it’s possible to extend the life of your spices beyond that time period, but first it’s important to understand why spices lost flavor.
What causes spices to fade?
The clock starts ticking long before spices reach your pantry. “Most spices take several years to get from the farm to your supermarket shelf, so the flavors are already faded before you even open the jar,” says Ethan Frisch, co-founder of Burlap & Barrel. On top of that, “a slow supply chain, poor storage conditions, and the process of grinding whole spices into powder all cause the flavors to fade over time.”
Frisch recommends “buying spices from small companies who specialize in better, faster supply chains and sourcing spices directly from the origin.”
Although they’re considered shelf-stable products, dried ground and whole herbs and spices react to the air around us. Every time they’re opened, they oxidize and degrade, weakening both the aromas and the colors. And as the scent and vibrancy loses potency, so does the flavor. It does so quietly, until one dreadful day, the dish that you’re making comes out lackluster and dull.
Do spices expire?
As with many foods, printed dates are not about expiration, but rather about quality. "The sell-by date on spices is an arbitrary number, only connected to the date that the spices were packed into jars and not related at all to the date the spices were harvested," says Frisch. That said, there are general guidelines for whole and ground spices, herbs, seeds, and extracts and how long they stay in their best condition.
How to extend the life of spices
But not to fear - the lifespan of your precious spices can be surprisingly long when stored properly. By that, we mean:
- Airtight, as contact with oxygen lessens its potency
- Away from moisture, which will cause clumping and caking
- Out of direct sunlight and heat, which will leech color
To reduce their exposure to air, make sure to close lids tightly and immediately whenever you use them. It's tempting to leave the jars open if you think you might need some more, but those extra few minutes give oxygen and moisture more chances to do their damage. Also avoid dumping spices directly into your cooking, which allows steam to get into your jars. Moisture creates an environment for mold, which - aside from rancidity of oily spices - is the only way spices go truly "bad."
Frisch's opts to store whole spices in individual pepper grinders so that he can grind them fresh directly into food as he needs them. "I also have a dedicated electric coffee grinder that I use to grind larger spices and to make my own spice blends." Tools like the battery-operated FinaMill makes it even easier with interchangeable refillable pods so you don't need to clean up between grinds.
Can I get sick from expired spices?
This answer is usually no. Herbs and spices are tremendously shelf-stable and "old" ones typically won't impact your well-being. The exception would be if you find mold in the container. If that's the case, it hasn't been stored right, has captured moisture, and is now contaminated. Toss this immediately.
How to salvage old spices
There are two ways to revive or breathe new life to lackluster spices. Fry them in hot oil right before cooking, so the heat can unlock the remaining essence of the spice, which then infuses the oil with its flavors and aromas. A gentle toast in a constantly-stirred, medium-low heated skillet is another great way to use heat to perk up a whole bottle of old ground spices. Let it cool thoroughly before repackaging, since you don't want to create an opportunity for condensation to collect in your jar.
Insider's takeaway
Spices can last anywhere from a few months to a few years, depending on the type and how they're stored. Keeping them in the right conditions - dark, cool, and airtight - will help extend their shelf life, but it's best to use them as quickly as possible since flavors begin to fade.
"The best place to store spices in your food," says Frisch. Spices don't get better with age, so the more frequently you use them up, the more use you'll get out of them.