The author and her two kids
Courtesy of Stephanie Gilman
  • I'm a mom of two boys, ages two and five.
  • Deciding whether to send them back to school after the holidays made me want to vomit.
  • I felt defeated knowing that we're here again and that we all might get COVID-19.

A few nights ago, as I stood in my kitchen carefully packing my five-year-old's new N95 masks for school, I was overcome with a wave of nausea.

"I don't want to do this," I cried to my husband. "I don't want to send them tomorrow. But I don't want to keep them home either."

We were struggling with the impossible decision of sending our two kids back to daycare and kindergarten after the winter break. Previously, we had been comforted that case numbers were relatively low in Ontario, Canada, where we live and that no one had caught COVID-19 in our kids' classes. There had always been a risk, but we had become comfortable with it.

All of that disappeared with the tidal wave of Omicron that ripped through our community.

Testing became an almost impossible feat, leaving us without a clue as to whether our kids had been exposed. We were torn about what to do. 

After two years of keeping them safe and healthy, to still be here, spending hours of my life trying to decide what to do with our kids, is exhausting. We ended up sending them to school, and I came to terms that if they get sick, we will most likely be OK. 

We were in a lose-lose scenario

These were our choices: keep our kids home indefinitely, sacrifice our mental health and ability to work, and prevent our boys from learning and socializing in any meaningful way; or send them into what felt like a raging fire, resigning ourselves to sickness, quarantine, or both.

After talking to other parents, playing out all the scenarios, and weighing all the risks versus the benefits — something that has become a habit of ours during the pandemic — we decided to send them.

We made the difficult choice to take our chances, acknowledging the high likelihood that we would all get COVID-19 sooner rather than later. We figured that, at the very least, this option would allow us some days of relative peace. And after a long holiday of nothing to do and nowhere to go, it felt like the right choice for all of us.

Unfortunately, that choice also made me want to vomit. The stress of worrying about health risks and isolation made me feel physically ill.

I feel defeated

After two years of doing everything right and making endless sacrifices to keep our babies safe, I felt defeated. None of it felt fair, and the weight of these decisions and fears and uncertainties felt suffocating. I lay awake that night, my mind and heart racing, wondering if I was doing the right thing and angry that there didn't seem to actually be a right thing.

The next morning, I dropped them off. It was nerve-wracking and painful. And then came the relief.

I was relieved that we had made up our minds and did what we felt was best for our family and that I'd have a few hours to work in peace. I was relieved that we had let go of this huge burden of fear we had been carrying for so long and come to terms with the idea that we'd get sick and we'd most likely be OK.

Today I picked my son up from school and watched him run outside, giggling hysterically as he chased his buddy through the yard. On the drive home, he told me about the things he had learned and the new toys he had played with. Later I picked up my 2-year-old from daycare. "I had a good today!" he proclaimed.

Maybe tomorrow we'll all wake up with sore throats and drippy noses. Maybe next week we'll all be stuck at home, losing our minds. But I'm grateful for any days we can get where my kids are learning and exploring and where I can sit in silence, even if just for a moment.

Read the original article on Insider