• A man in Colorado encountered a mountain lion.
  • Alone in the woods at night, all he had to protect himself was a dull pocket knife and rocks, which he threw at the animal, Richard Marriott told Sky-Hi News.
  • Marriott was in the woods at the time to hunt. Usually, when he hunts he has his pistol with him. He didn’t that day – and now he says he regrets it.
  • He managed to get away with “super, super minor” injuries and the animal was later killed by Colorado Parks and Wildlife officials.
  • Visit INSIDER’s homepage for more stories.

Richard Marriott was headed back to his car under the cover of night on August 10 when he heard something behind him. Marriott, who lives in Evergreen, Colorado, had spent the evening scouting elk in the woods.

But as he walked back to his car, Marriott encountered something unexpected: a mountain lion.

He told Sky-Hi News that the animal followed him for about 200 yards before approaching. Marriott said he was nearing his car, and making eye contact with the cat when he tripped and fell over a log.

“Luckily, it came up and just kind of swiped my leg,” he said. “In all honesty, I think it was curious.”

At that point, he was able to make a move on the animal. Armed only with a pocketknife with "virtually no point" he swiped at the animal's face. Then he scrambled back on his feet and made a break for his car.

"I didn't really hit it that great, but I got it enough the cat knew I wasn't going to lay there and have him devour me," Marriott said.

The lion continued to follow Marriott down the trail. As this chase continued, Marriott also picked up rocks off the ground and began to throw them at the animal, he told Sky-Hi News.

By the time Marriott reached the end of the trail, authorities had arrived on the scene; residents had called 911 after hearing the man shout at the animal.

Read more: Let's be honest, that Colorado jogger may have killed a starving, baby mountain lion separated from its mom

Colorado Parks and Wildlife spokesperson Mike Porras confirmed to 9 News that the "very aggressive" animal was tracked and killed the next day. According to 9News, CPW believes Marriott "did everything right" in the situation.

All told, Marriott told Sky-Hi News that he sustained "super, super minor" scratches on his leg from the lion. The man usually brings a pistol with him hunting. And said he regretted not having it that fateful day.

"I think I would have been able to give it a warning shot and hopefully it would have ran off," he said. "That's what I kind of take from all of this. When I go into the field now, I need to make sure I have my sidearm."