• In the United States, roughly 38% of marriages will end in divorce.
  • Insider spoke to experts and consulted research to determine changes people can make to improve their marriages and create happier and healthier relationships.
  • Asking for feedback is a great way to open up a dialogue with your spouse about what they want or need from you.
  • Taking small steps to improve your relationship every day, like putting your phones down to cook dinner with your spouse, can also create big changes.
  • Visit Insider’s homepage for more stories.

No marriage is a walk in the park, and when you’re spending what seems like every waking hour with your significant other while social distancing or quarantining at home, it can seem even harder.

However, taking the time to make positive changes in your relationship can pay off, especially during these stressful times.

Insider spoke to experts and consulted research to determine changes people can make to improve their marriages and create happier and healthier relationships, both immediately and in the long run.

From cooking dinner together every night to setting up weekly check-ins with your spouse, these 20 practices can improve your relationship and help you form a happier, healthier bond with your significant other.

Start focusing on what's right instead of just what's wrong in your relationship.

Foto: A happy couple taking a selfie. Source: Svitlana Sokolova / Shutterstock

Sarah Schewitz, Psy.D., a licensed clinical psychologist and founder of Couples Learn, an online couples therapy and marriage counseling service, explained how by focusing on the positive parts of their partner, couples become stronger and more in tune with each other.

"Our bodies and brains are programmed to help us survive," Schewitz told Insider. "A lot of what it takes to be in a happy, long-term relationship is overriding our human instincts. One of our biggest instincts is to scan the environment for what's wrong, what's broken, and what's dangerous so you can avoid it and fix it. In a relationship, that is the opposite of what's healthy. If you're constantly [focusing] on what's wrong with your partner, you're going to feel less connected and dislike them."

To combat this, Schewitz recommends writing down at least three things per day that you love and appreciate about your partner and ideally share that with them.

Connect physically, even if it's as simple as a 30-second hug.

Foto: A happy couple hugging. Source: miodrag ignjatovic/Getty Images

"A 30-second hug or a six-second kiss get oxytocin flowing, which is the bonding hormone. Not only does this help you feel closer to your partner, but it pushes cortisol, which is the stress hormone, out of your system," Schewitz told Insider.

Show appreciation for your partner.

Foto: A couple lying on the floor together. Source: Hero Images/ Getty Images

It's probably unsurprising that showing your partner just how much you care can improve your marriage. Dr. John Gottman and Dr. Robert Levenson, who have researched couples since the 1970s, found that not only physical, but verbal affection can have a number of positive effects on marriages and other romantic relationships, including lowering stress hormones and creating a closer bond that allows couples to work through problems more effectively.

The Gottman Institute claims that couples should aim to have a 5:1 ratio of positive and negative reactions, meaning that for every one negative interaction a couple has, they should try to counteract this with at least five positive interactions.

Have a weekly "State of the Union" meeting where you ask your partner for feedback on what you're doing right, as well as where you could improve.

Foto: A couple on a date in a diner. Source: iStock

As much as you can seek advice from professionals, it's also important to communicate with your partner about what you're doing that makes your relationship better, and where you could improve.

Oftentimes, people only receive "feedback" from their partners in the midst of heated arguments or when things are going exceptionally well.

Instead, couples should plan to have a discussion during a neutral moment where they are both prepared to discuss in a non-combative way what's working in their relationship and what isn't.

"I always have couples start out with appreciations, sharing a few things they love and appreciate about their partner, times you felt really connected during the week, what went well, and then going into times you felt disconnected or any frustrations that came up," Schewitz said. "Having that weekly touch point when you know you're going to have the opportunity to express frustrations, excitements, fears, any of it, is really important."

Don't leave the moment it gets tough — one study shows that after the 20-year mark, many marriages begin to improve.

Foto: An older couple taking a walk. Source: Robert Daly/Getty Images

According to a study by sociologist Paul R. Amato and Spencer L. James, while marriages tend to see a decline in happiness after the "honeymoon phase" has passed, couples who stick it out tend to see a resurgence in their marital happiness around their 20th anniversary.

After being married for 20 years, couples analyzed in the study saw an increase in shared activities such as recreational activities, eating dinner, or visiting friends together.

"Contrary to what many people think, marital quality does not inevitably decline - it tends to remain high or even improve over the decades," Amato told the Institute for Family Studies. "This knowledge should encourage most couples to look to the future with a degree of optimism."

Get more sleep.

Foto: A woman sleeping. Source: tommaso79/Getty Images

It may come as no surprise that couples who don't get enough shut-eye are more prone to argue and experience unhappiness in their relationship.

According to one study conducted by leaders at multiple top-name universities including the Ohio State University College of Medicine and the University of Delaware, "when both partners slept less, couples interacted in a more hostile way than when at least one partner slept more."

Establish "rituals of connection" that you know you can depend on.

Foto: A couple cooking dinner together. Source: David Sacks/Getty Images

"For some couples, this is having coffee or breakfast every morning before work and talking about one thing they're looking forward to that day or one thing they're not looking forward to, which then gives them a touch point to talk about and reconnect at the end of the day," Schewitz said.

Other examples of rituals of connection could be eating dinner together every night and rehashing your days, having a weekly "date night," or cuddling for 10 minutes every night before bed.

"These are all things that people can establish that they can count on their partner for every day or every week," Schewitz said.

Couples can also set a few household rules that focus on improving your relationship. These household rules can be as big or as small as you'd like but set the groundwork for how you want your relationship to work.

"Have a place to put your phone while you prepare and eat dinner together, and make this your time when you check in with each other and talk about your day, reconnect, even for an hour," said Kristen Scarlett, a licensed mental health counselor and the cofounder of Octave, a therapy center in New York City.

Remodel your house — in particular, your bedroom.

Foto: A woman painting. Source: Richard Drury/Getty Images

A recent survey by Porch found that couples who remodeled their homes had an increase in marital satisfaction, particularly if they chose to make-over their bedroom.

Of those surveyed, 50% of women and 54% of men who remodeled their bedrooms reported increased happiness in their relationships.

Just under half of the women surveyed said they were happier after remodeling their outdoor areas, while 53% of men said their relationship had improved after revamping their kitchens.

Take note of your social media and phone use, and whether they may be negatively affecting your relationship.

Foto: A man looking at his phone. Source: Tara Moore/Getty Images

With the rise in social media, it's easier than ever to be unfaithful or spark arguments with your spouse over what you choose to share online. It's also easier to allow technology to interfere with quality time and your relationship with your spouse when we're constantly glued to our phone screens.

According to a 2016 study that appeared in "Psychology of Popular Media Culture," a survey of 143 married or cohabiting women found that a majority of the participants felt that technology devices such as computers, cell or smartphones, or TV frequently interrupted their interactions with their partner, including couple leisure time, conversations, and mealtimes with their partners.

While it may not be necessary to completely delete your social media in order to improve your relationship, it may be a good idea to think twice before you post and aim to spend less time on your phone during meals and other moments of quality time with your partner.

Befriend other couples.

Foto: Two couples sitting around a fire laughing and drinking cocktails. Source: Michael DeYoung/Getty Images

Multiple studies have found that spouses and romantic partners who have "couple friends" may be happier in their own relationships.

In research for their book, "Two Plus Two: Couples and Their Couple Friendships," authors Geoffrey Greif and Kathleen Deal found that couples who were engaged with other couples frequently were more reflective of their own relationships and were able to analyze both positive and negative interactions between the members of the other couple.

According to the study, seeing one's spouse or partner happily engaging with another couple can also make that person seem more attractive.

Make a conscious effort to have more fun together.

Foto: A couple shares a joke.

A study published in the Sage Journal of Social and Personal Relationships found that while there was no strong evidence of increased happiness between couples who engaged in "pleasant" activities together, "exciting" activities together, and no special activities, there was evidence of a strong difference between couples who engaged in "pleasant" and those who engaged in "exciting" activities.

Couples who took part in exciting activities together, such as doing physical activities or trying something new, were found to be happier than those who simply engaged in pleasant activities like eating dinner together or watching a movie.

"With kids, work, and mortgages, life and marriage can become repetitive and mundane," Scarlett told Insider. "It can feel irresponsible to spend money on fancy dinners or weekend getaways but think of the big picture. Nurturing and shaking up a relationship to improve the marriage is as, and sometimes more, important than those daily tasks. Work it in."

Take the time to reminisce and laugh together.

Foto: A couple chatting over coffee. Source: Nastasic/Getty Images

According to a study conducted in 2006 titled "The Effect of Reminiscing about Laughter on Relationship Satisfaction," couples who reminisced about shared events that involved laughter reported higher relationship satisfaction.

Whether you're remembering a hilarious memory from your wedding or something funny that happened with your children, taking the time to reminisce on joyful memories and laugh together can bring you closer to your spouse.

When giving feedback, take the blame out of your sentences.

Foto: A couple talking. Source: Tetra Images/ Getty Images

"Instead of saying, 'You make me feel like you're not attracted to me,' say instead, 'I would love if you told me if you think I look nice. Your opinion means so much to me and that would make me feel so good,'" Scarlett said.

Avoid toxic behaviors when you're arguing.

Foto: A couple arguing.

Avoiding the "four horsemen of the apocalypse" in relationships - which Schewitz notes are criticism, defensiveness, stonewalling, and contempt - can make a huge difference in how you relate to your partner in both good times and bad, and it will affect how your partner views you as a whole.

Take a breather when arguments get too heated.

Foto: A couple fighting.

"When tensions arise, whether you're all-out screamers and door slammers or you're passive-aggressive stonewallers, take a breath. Before you say something you don't mean and you can't take back, come up with a 'safe word' that indicates that you will take a break from the discussion and go your separate ways," Scarlett told Insider.

"During this time, you can each do breathing exercises or go for a walk to diffuse the emotions, then think about what you would like to say and how you would like to say it," Scarlett said. "Then, come back together and re-attempt to discuss the topic calmly."

Schewitz added, "When people start implementing this tactic, it's a true game-changer."

During an argument, empathize and apologize.

Foto: A person comforting their partner. Source: iStock

The Gottman Institute also provides strategies for dealing with negative interactions, arguments, and disagreements in a marriage or relationship. Dr. Gottman recommends that couples practice empathizing and apologizing during disagreements.

By using phrases such as, "It makes sense to me that you feel ..." couples will be able to connect more and be less combative even during disagreements.

For spouses who feel they have hurt their partners either intentionally or unintentionally, Dr. Gottman recommends using phrases like, "I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. That makes me sad."

Make sex and other forms of physical intimacy a priority.

Foto: A couple lying in bed together. Source: Shutterstock

As people age, life gets increasingly busy with kids, careers, physical health problems, and more. For many couples, the number of times they have sex per week tends to decline over time. However, experts argue that physical intimacy and satisfaction are necessary for maintaining a healthy and happy relationship.

"Closeness and connection is a human need," Dr. Sanam Hafeez, a New York City-based licensed clinical psychologist, told NBC News. "When in a long-term relationship it's important to reconnect through sex. The brain chemicals released during sex further enhances bonding."

However, it's also important to never pressure your partner into performing sexually in a way that makes them uncomfortable. Sarah Schewitz explained that people who have experienced trauma, either sexually or otherwise, or have their own personal boundaries with sex should express any concerns with their partner when it comes to physical intimacy.

At the end of the day, the goal of physical connection is to make both partners feel safe, satisfied, and happy.

Seek professional help for your relationship struggles.

Foto: Couples therapy.

In an article for Psychology Today, Dr. Dianne Grande reported that couples counseling is generally successful when using the Emotionally-Focused Therapy (EFT) approach. According to the American Psychological Association, this type of therapy is roughly 75% effective at producing positive results and helping couples to work through both their personal issues and problems within their relationship.

"Couples can seek counseling even before they have issues in their relationships to understand how to better communicate and avoid certain pitfalls," Kristen Scarlett told Insider. "All couples will have conflicts - it would be unhealthy if they didn't. Those couples who can fight fairly and with respect will ultimately be happier."

Seek therapy and education for yourself, as well.

Foto: A woman going to therapy. Source: Sladic/ Getty Images

If you can't love yourself, how are you going to love somebody else?

Schewitz said that one of the most positive changes people can make in their relationships is to seek therapy themselves, separate from their partner.

"Therapy can help you take things less personally and externalize a lot," she told Insider. "Educating yourself on relationship topics and what makes a healthy relationship can also help you to take responsibility for yourself."

Follow the golden rule and treat your partner how you would want to be treated.

Foto: A happy couple in bed together. Source: Shutterstock

"Put in the effort to bring awareness to their own thoughts and actions in the relationship," Scarlett said. "Are you treating your partner as you would want to be treated? Or as you would treat your best friend? Are you showing him/her respect? Are you really listening? Are you stating your own needs and asking what they need? Taking inventory is an excellent first step in making improvements."