According to scientists, there are only four ways to truly prevent balding. But these 11 famous men prove that embracing – and even rocking – a bald dome might be the best way to go.

From John Travolta to Samuel L. Jackson to Jason Statham, keep scrolling to see a before and after look at these 11 men with and without hair.

John Travolta credited his friend and fellow baldie Pitbull with encouraging him to shave his head.

Foto: Travolta before and after.sourceChris Pizzello and Richard Shotwell/AP

Travolta first appeared rocking his new look on Instagram in January, but didn’t publicly address the change until a few months later on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!”

“I became friends with Pitbull … All us guys have to stick together that do this. He encouraged it as well. And the family encouraged it,” he told guest host Lena Waithe in May.

Bruce Willis has been bald for a while, but when he first appeared on our TV screens in "Moonlighting," he was a brunette.

Foto: Willis before and after.sourceSTAR MAX and Douglas C. Pizac/AP

"I've seen all those little digs where they try to make you feel less of a man because you're losing your hair. I'm a man and I will kick anyone's butt who tries to tell me I'm not a man because my hair is thinning, and I like fooling around with looking different ways. I wear makeup in films. I wear hairpieces in films. I don't wear either in real life. End of subject," said Willis, according to The Idle Man.

Samuel L. Jackson wears a lot of hats in public, so it's easy to miss that he's bald.

Foto: Jackson before and after.sourceFred Prouser/Reuters and Luca Bruno/AP

Jackson likes to experiment with his hair in different movie roles, like the curly 'do he rocked in "Pulp Fiction," or his afro in "Unbreakable."

Jackson's longtime wig consultant, Robert L. Stevenson, spoke with Deadline about Jackson's hair.

"He was losing his hair at one point and said, 'if I just shaved it all off could we still create looks with wigs?' I said, 'Sam, we can basically do anything with wigs.' That's when we started getting into it," Stevenson said.

Billy Joel used to have jet black hair, but now he's embraced his bald look.

Foto: Joel before and after.sourceReed Saxon and Michael Zorn/AP

"It sucks. I started losing my hair when I was in my 50s. My dad was completely bald, and his father was bald, and I said 'Oh no, please, I'm in rock 'n' roll, I need my hair.' I always had crappy hair anyway, and I used to torture it with a hairdryer and all this stuff, and it left me," Joel told Howard Stern in 2014. "I saw too many bad rugs in my life; if you're gonna go bald, embrace it."

In the beginning of his movie career, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson kept his hair cropped short, but now he just shaves it.

Foto: The Rock before and after going bald.sourceMatt Sayles and Richard Shotwell/AP

According to Vanity Fair, Johnson chose to forego his hair sometime around 2010. He explained why he chose to rock a bald look in a fairly vulgar tweet in 2017.

Howie Mandel likes to keep his head shaved because he says it helps him deal with his mysophobia (fear of germs) and OCD.

Foto: Mandel before and after.sourceDoug Pizac and Evan Agostini/AP

In the '80s, Mandel was known for his curly head of hair, but when he re-entered the spotlight to host "Deal or No Deal" in 2005 he was totally clean shaven.

Mandel first spoke of his "crippling fear of germs" in his 2009 book "Here's the Deal: Don't Touch Me." Mandel also says he has obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), and has said that his now-trademark bald head is part of his mental health.

Of his hair, "This feels so streamlined and so clean," he told ABC.

Taye Diggs started shaving his head before he saw that his hairline was starting to recede.

Foto: Diggs before and after.sourceFred Prouser/Reuters and Jordan Strauss/AP

"I rocked the shaved head before my hair started receding," Diggs told Men's Heath in 2015. "So as soon as I saw those corners inching towards the back of my head, I took it all off - as opposed to just watching the hair fade away."

Ben Kingsley has been bald for over 20 years.

Foto: Kingsley before and after.sourceChris Pizzello/AP

When asked about his baldness in a 1996 interview with the Chicago Tribune, Kingsley said he does not discuss personal matters - and he hasn't mentioned it since.

Jason Statham's hair appeared to be thinning before he shaved it off.

Foto: Statham before and after.sourceReuters and STRMX2/AP

Statham prefers to keep a little bit of stubble on his head, as opposed to the clean shaven look. As Allure writes, Statham "doesn't Bic it - you don't have to bust out the shaving cream and be Mr. Clean - but when you have a receding hairline, keep your hair at a closer crop."

According to Stanley Tucci, he decided to shave his head in his thirties after slowly losing it.

Foto: Tucci before and after.sourceMark J. Terrill and Grant Pollard/AP

"Well, it takes a while, because you don't lose your hair all at once," said Tucci in a 2010 interview with Time Out. "You kind of wish you would; it would be so much easier. I had classic male-pattern baldness, which is not necessarily very attractive. So you do get to the point where you just say, forget it. I think that happened in my 30s."

Billy Zane had a pretty impressive head of hair in "Titanic," but he's all about the bald lifestyle these days.

Foto: Zane before and after.sourceFred Prouser/Reuters and Willy Sanjuan/AP

Even before "Titanic," Zane was regularly shaving his head, a look that he's kept over two decades since.