The Radford Family/YouTube
- Britain’s biggest family, The Radfords, are self isolating after dad Noel confirms he tested positive for COVID-19 in a YouTube video.
- Noel Radford, 49, and his wife, Sue, 45, have 22 children and six grandchildren, one of whom lives with them and 19 uncles and aunties in a former care home in Morecambe, Lancashire.
- The family first appeared in the UK’s 2012 Channel 4 documentary series, 15 Kids and Counting, with subsequent annual updates until 21 Kids and Counting was broadcast in January 2019.
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Britain’s biggest family, The Radfords, are self isolating after dad Noel confirms he tested positive for COVID-19 in a YouTube video.
Noel Radford, 49, and his wife, Sue, 45, have had 22 children and six grandchildren, one of whom lives with them in a former care home in Morecambe, Lancashire. One of the Radford’s children was stillborn and two of the older siblings have moved out.
In the vlog posted yesterday, he told viewers: “My results came back just over 24 hours later and I’m positive, so we’re all having to self isolate for the next – I don’t know how many days we have left.
“Everything seems to be upside down and we’re all going a bit stir crazy, to be honest, we’re in the house bored.”
He added that they are waiting on 14-year-old Aimee and 21-year-old Daniel’s results since they also had symptoms at the same time.
Radford continued: "I would say to anyone that's feeling like they've got a cold or the flu or anything like that... I would advise book yourself in for a test to make sure that you either have or you haven't got it because you just don't know.
"Some people are showing more symptoms than others and really I think we should get tested just in case we have got it but we aren't showing any of the usual symptoms that come with covid...
"...and that way you're not spreading it onto your loves ones or somebody else it could affect drastically or almost kill them or put them in hospital for weeks on end."
None of the family members have had serious symptoms with the father of 22 reporting that he had a loss of smell and chesty cough.
He ended by saying he was "trying to keep away from them as much as I can but as you can imagine it's pretty difficult in this house."
The family first appeared in the UK's 2012 Channel 4 documentary series, 15 Kids and Counting, with subsequent annual updates until the most recent 21 Kids and Counting was broadcast in January 2019.