Premium Comerica Bank’s CIO says the S&P 500 is primed for a 15% drop as weak earnings, high valuations, and a hawkish Fed all work against it William Edwards 23 apr 2023
Premium The economist who discovered the inverted yield curve as a recession indicator says that a downturn will strike anytime now William Edwards 20 apr 2023
Premium Deze 6 grafieken tonen hoe zwaar de kredietverlening in de VS onder druk staat William Edwards 19 apr 2023
Premium Bank of America’s top global strategist warns there’s ‘plenty of room for more S&P 500 downside’ as 80% of recessions since 1933 have torpedoed stocks by 20% after they started William Edwards 15 apr 2023
Premium A 31-year market vet who called the current bear market says the S&P 500 has another 45% downside as investors remain blind to signs that a recession is hurtling toward the US economy William Edwards 08 apr 2023
Premium Dit zijn 3 indicatoren die signalen geven over de bodem van de beurs tijdens een economische recessie, volgens analisten van Bank of America William Edwards 06 apr 2023
Premium An indicator with a 94% accuracy rate says stocks will finish 2023 positive, according to $1 trillion LPL. Here’s their top pick for where to put your money right now William Edwards 06 apr 2023
Premium Grote onzekerheid over rente in de VS, na omvallen Silicon Valley Bank – dit kun je als belegger het beste doen, volgens een beursstrateeg William Edwards 14 mrt 2023
Beleggen in artificial intelligence: dit zijn 6 topaandelen op de beurs, volgens zakenbank Credit Suisse William Edwards 08 mrt 2023
Premium Top Wall Street strategists are warning that the risk-reward ratio for stocks is at its worst since the 2008 crisis. Here are 10 places they say to put your money instead William Edwards 01 mrt 2023