Premium A top Wall Street strategist says the stock-market rally is due for a reversal as a bubble forms — and warns investors not to equate surging prices with a healthy underlying economy William Edwards 15 jul 2023
Premium Een fondsbeheerder die de afgelopen 5 jaar beter presteerde dan 99% van zijn collega’s, legt uit waarom waarde-aandelen een comeback gaan maken na de AI-hype William Edwards, Business Insider Nederland 14 jul 2023
Premium ‘I’ve seen this show before’: A renowned market bear who called the dot-com bubble warns a recession is still barreling toward the US economy — and stocks are due to suffer as misguided optimism fuels the rally William Edwards 08 jul 2023
Premium Hoe artificial intelligence de economie gaat veranderen, maar intussen wel voor een zeepbel op de beurs zorgt, volgens 2 topstrategen op Wall Street William Edwards 07 jul 2023
Premium A fund manager who’s beaten 99% of his peers over the last 5 years warns stocks face ‘destruction’ as hype around AI stocks lifts valuations to dot-com-bubble levels William Edwards 01 jul 2023
Premium A notorious market bear who called the 2000 and 2008 crashes says stocks are set to suffer ‘profound’ losses as valuations remain at historic extremes — and dismisses the current rally as a ‘narrow and selective speculative blowoff’ William Edwards 25 jun 2023
Premium The co-leader of an AI-driven quant fund shares 2 stocks his model is betting the most on right now — and a simple way individual investors can use AI technology to pick stocks William Edwards 22 jun 2023
Premium ‘Fundamentals still matter’: A portfolio manager at a firm managing $17 billion warns stocks are due to sink 15% as AI hype fuels the current rally and drowns out recession alarm bells William Edwards 17 jun 2023
Premium 5 aandelen van bedrijven die het best gepositioneerd zijn om de komende 10 jaar te profiteren van de ontwikkeling van AI, volgens een techanalist William Edwards, Business Insider Nederland 15 jun 2023
Premium De beurshype rond AI krijgt irrationele trekjes: 4 strategen op Wall Street geven aan waarom beleggers moeten oppassen voor een zeepbel William Edwards, Business Insider Nederland 15 jun 2023