Qatar Airways says it is not accepting passengers on its flights from 2 African nations immediately due to the new Omicron variant Taylor Rains 26 nov 2021
Rolls-Royce zegt ’s werelds snelste volledig elektrische vliegtuig te hebben ontwikkeld – bekijk de Spirit of Innovation die 555,77 km/u haalt Taylor Rains, Business Insider Nederland 26 nov 2021
Some of the most remote areas in the US are losing an air service link to the rest of the country Taylor Rains 20 nov 2021
A Vietnamese airline is launching the first regular nonstop flights from Vietnam to the US Taylor Rains 18 nov 2021
Delta is expanding its domestic network with 8 new or returning routes as the competition intensifies — see the full list Taylor Rains 18 nov 2021
United Airlines will start service to a small city on the border of Arkansas and Texas after dropping 11 small cities earlier this month Taylor Rains 16 nov 2021
American Airlines is dropping 27 routes with New York taking the biggest hit — see the full list Taylor Rains 15 nov 2021