White House shoots down German officials’ claim that Trump gave Merkel a $374 billion bill to pay for NATO Sonam Sheth 26 mrt 2017
House Republican shuts down Steve Bannon after being told they had ‘no choice’ in Trumpcare vote Sonam Sheth 25 mrt 2017
Democrats can’t agree whether to fight Trump’s Supreme Court nominee’s confirmation Sonam Sheth 21 mrt 2017
De nieuwe rol van Ivanka Trump in het Witte Huis is dubieus: geen salaris, wel toegang tot geheime informatie Sonam Sheth 21 mrt 2017
Hoe Trumps topadviseur Kellyanne Conway de machtigste vrouw in het Witte Huis werd Sonam Sheth 21 mrt 2017
Ivanka Trump is getting her own office in the West Wing, raising ethical concerns Sonam Sheth 20 mrt 2017
Top Democrat lays out mountain of evidence he says ties Trump campaign to Russia Sonam Sheth 20 mrt 2017
Rising right-leaning media star Tomi Lahren had her show suspended after coming out in favor of abortion rights Sonam Sheth 20 mrt 2017