Trump reelection campaign pulls first 100 days ad amid concerns it may have violated federal law Sonam Sheth 01 mei 2017
The government ethics office says it was not consulted about Ivanka Trump’s White House position Sonam Sheth 01 mei 2017
Fox News’ copresident is out in the wake of Bill O’Reilly’s sexual-harassment scandal Sonam Sheth 01 mei 2017
Half the undocumented immigrants rounded up in February raids had no criminal records or minor offenses Sonam Sheth 01 mei 2017
Trump splits from the GOP and says Trumpcare 2.0 will guarantee pre-existing protections nationwide Sonam Sheth 30 apr 2017
Trump says China stopped manipulating their currency after he called them on it Sonam Sheth 30 apr 2017
Thousands took to the streets to protest Trump on his 100th day — here are the photos Sonam Sheth 29 apr 2017