New documents show Senate Republicans had Susan Rice’s email for 8 months before they raised questions about it Sonam Sheth 16 feb 2018
White House blames Russia for ‘reckless and indiscriminate’ NotPetya cyberattack Sonam Sheth 15 feb 2018
The House Intelligence Committee is edging closer to holding Steve Bannon in contempt Michal Kranz, Sonam Sheth 15 feb 2018
Trump asked the White House counsel to help convince Comey to publicly exonerate him Sonam Sheth 15 feb 2018
Top House Intelligence Committee Democrat says he won’t make changes to Nunes rebuttal memo Sonam Sheth 14 feb 2018
Top intelligence chiefs issue a dire warning about the Kremlin’s ongoing efforts to influence the US, defend against Trump’s attacks on the FBI, and explain what happened with a shady Russian offering dirt on Trump Sonam Sheth 13 feb 2018
A shadowy Russian tried to lure US officials into falling for ‘kompromat’ on Trump Sonam Sheth 11 feb 2018
Trump launches into morning tweetstorm on Russia and White House domestic abuse controversy Sonam Sheth 10 feb 2018
‘Political theater’: The House Intelligence Committee’s Russia investigation is nearing the point of no return Sonam Sheth 10 feb 2018
A second memo is on the horizon as Nunes gears up to launch the next strike in his investigation into the FBI Sonam Sheth 08 feb 2018