‘Off the charts’: National-security experts sound the alarm after Trump moves to selectively declassify the Carter Page FISA application Sonam Sheth 18 sep 2018
Trump throws bombshell into Russia investigation, orders release of controversial surveillance documents and Comey texts Allan Smith, Sonam Sheth 18 sep 2018
As Trump orders the release classified Russia docs, a top House Democrat says the FBI and DOJ told him the move would be a ‘red line’ Sonam Sheth 18 sep 2018
‘It’s not even a close call’: Giuliani is pushing a dubious theory about Paul Manafort’s plea deal that experts say is bogus Sonam Sheth 16 sep 2018
‘It’s getting lonely on Trump Island’: Mueller just snagged his biggest victory yet in the Russia probe Sonam Sheth 15 sep 2018
Paul Manafort pleads guilty to conspiracy and obstruction and will cooperate in the Mueller investigation Sonam Sheth 14 sep 2018
Mueller has almost 3 times as much evidence for Manafort’s 2nd trial as he did for his first Sonam Sheth 13 sep 2018
‘There are no good choices’: Paul Manafort faces a risky gamble ahead of his second trial Sonam Sheth 13 sep 2018