Google fined a record $5 billion by the EU for abusing the dominance of Android Shona Ghosh 18 jul 2018
Cambridge Analytica tried to sell itself to 18,000 buyers — but received just 4 paltry offers Shona Ghosh 17 jul 2018
Artificial intelligence will create as many jobs as it destroys, according to a PwC analysis Shona Ghosh 17 jul 2018
Apple is failing spectacularly in one of the world’s biggest smartphone markets Shona Ghosh 16 jul 2018
Top European investors are betting the crazy $3 billion US scooter trend will go global Shona Ghosh 14 jul 2018
Facebook hinted it will kick up a fuss about paying its first fine for the Cambridge Analytica scandal Shona Ghosh 12 jul 2018
It would take Facebook just 18 minutes to pay off its £500,000 fine for the Cambridge Analytica scandal Shona Ghosh 11 jul 2018
Facebook introduced secretive new developer terms to prevent another Cambridge Analytica Shona Ghosh 11 jul 2018
Social media memories app Timehop got hit by a data breach affecting 21 million users Shona Ghosh 09 jul 2018
Facebook has embraced one-time enemy Twitter as its cleans up the Cambridge Analytica mess Shona Ghosh 06 jul 2018