KSI and Logan Paul probably generated up to $11 million with their YouTube boxing match Shona Ghosh 28 aug 2018
Elijah Clayton and Taylor Robertson identified as the 2 victims who died in the Madden shooting in Jacksonville Shona Ghosh, Kelly McLaughlin 27 aug 2018
We interviewed KSI, the YouTuber who’s about to box Logan Paul, to see where his head’s at the day before his big fight Shona Ghosh 25 aug 2018
The brawl between KSI and Logan Paul is the inevitable consequence of the YouTube algorithm’s race to the bottom Shona Ghosh 24 aug 2018
Y Combinator, a startup program that’s harder to get into than Harvard, accepts all 15,000 applicants into Startup School after a major screwup Shona Ghosh 22 aug 2018