Uber’s CEO said a move to grab power from Travis Kalanick means the board is no longer fighting over control Shona Ghosh 24 mei 2018
‘Christ, this guy has the fate of European democracy in his hands’: Lawmakers are worried Mark Zuckerberg still doesn’t understand Facebook’s massive power Shona Ghosh 23 mei 2018
Mark Zuckerberg will say ‘sorry’ to European lawmakers in a showdown Tuesday over Facebook’s data crisis Shona Ghosh 22 mei 2018
Google is investigating autocomplete predictions that identify victims in sexual assault cases Shona Ghosh 22 mei 2018
Microsoft has acquired a veteran AI team, including the ex-chief speech scientist for Siri Shona Ghosh 21 mei 2018
A massive Chinese ride-sharing service removed passenger attractiveness ratings after a woman was killed Shona Ghosh 17 mei 2018
Instagram laat je binnenkort zien hoe verslaafd je bent aan het scrollen langs foto’s Shona Ghosh 17 mei 2018
This 39-year-old quit his job running one of Google’s funnest divisions and took a huge pay cut to launch a startup — here’s why Shona Ghosh 16 mei 2018