Trucking CEOs stay quiet on George Floyd’s death as counterparts in nearly every other industry declare need for racial justice Rachel Premack 05 jun 2020
Amazon adds 12 planes to its growing air-cargo fleet that’s encroaching on FedEx and UPS Rachel Premack 03 jun 2020
Truck driver who sped into a crowd of protesters on a highway in Minneapolis released from jail without charges Rachel Premack 03 jun 2020
‘You will move, or you will die’: A frightened truck driver’s widely shared Facebook post says truckers will ‘defend themselves’ by running over protesters Rachel Premack 03 jun 2020
SpaceX’s latest Starship rocket prototype just exploded during an engine test Dave Mosher, Rachel Premack 30 mei 2020
Enterprise became America’s largest car rental by hiring ‘amiable jocks’ straight out of college, and it might help it survive the car rental apocalypse Rachel Premack 29 mei 2020
A car-rental company previously owned by Hertz just filed for bankruptcy for the third time since 2008 Rachel Premack 27 mei 2020
Deze strategische fout maakte autoverhuur-icoon Hertz – de Amerikaanse tak ging tijdens de coronacrisis ten onder, maar de problemen begonnen veel eerder Rachel Premack, Business Insider Nederland 26 mei 2020
Hertz doubled down on sedans when Americans demanded SUVs, and a new report reveals how that helped bankrupt the 102-year-old giant Rachel Premack 26 mei 2020
The CEO of Hertz will get a $700,000 payday as his 103-year-old company crumbles into bankruptcy Rachel Premack 26 mei 2020