Some fashion-industry insiders allege a mega-influencer’s retail empire is bolstered by stolen designs Rachel Premack 27 jan 2021
Insiders who worked with Instagram mega influencer Danielle Bernstein say she rips off fashion designers and gets away with it Rachel Premack 27 jan 2021
Bon Appétit is facing internet backlash and hundreds of one-star reviews for its version of the traditional Haitian dish soup joumou Rachel Premack 02 dec 2020
How the $36 billion vitamin industry tricked a generation of adults into believing sugary gummies were the ticket to good health Rachel Premack 07 okt 2020
A trucking giant is paying over $90,000 a year and offering $10,000 signing bonuses as a driver hiring battle heats up Rachel Premack 24 sep 2020
Amazon is scrambling to find truck drivers, and now forced to turn to the big trucking firms it has previously shunned Rachel Premack 16 sep 2020
Bon Appétit insiders reveal details of upcoming Test Kitchen comeback video after 3 months of silence Rachel Premack 16 sep 2020
Retailers are scrambling to find trucks amid the pandemic, generating record-smashing pay for drivers Rachel Premack 09 sep 2020
UPS plans to hire 100,000 extra workers to handle an epically hectic holiday season Rachel Premack 09 sep 2020