I was a young mom with 2 toddlers making 6 figures as a pharmacist when I became disabled overnight. Now I work and parent from bed. PollyAnna Brown 29 aug 2022
It took 7 months for doctors to figure out why I was fainting several times a day, and my life now looks completely different. PollyAnna Brown 23 aug 2022
I moved all of my belongings across the US 5 times in a year without a car. Here are 6 things that I wish I’d known sooner. PollyAnna Brown 22 aug 2022
I did visual effects for ‘Game of Thrones,’ including the Battle of Winterfell scene with all the zombies. I worked 7 days a week, but it was a dream job. PollyAnna Brown 20 aug 2022
I took my first diet pill at 15. It took me years to finally love my body as it is. PollyAnna Brown 11 jul 2022
My ex-husband just died. We split up 2 years ago, but the pain is still very real. PollyAnna Brown 14 jun 2022
I got my Fallopian tubes removed so I can’t get accidentally pregnant. I don’t regret the decision. PollyAnna Brown 04 mei 2022