An astronomer’s animation shows how Earth and the moon both orbit a spot 3,000 miles from the true center of the planet Morgan McFall-Johnsen 01 apr 2021
NASA’s Mars helicopter has made its first appearance on the red planet. It’s set to fly within weeks. Morgan McFall-Johnsen 23 mrt 2021
A magnetic spacecraft that can attract dead satellites has entered orbit – a test in a new effort to clean up space junk Morgan McFall-Johnsen 23 mrt 2021
NASA’s Perseverance rover is preparing to drop a helicopter from its belly and watch it fly on Mars Morgan McFall-Johnsen 17 mrt 2021
An early SpaceX engineer crawled inside an imploding rocket on a jet in mid-air to save the company Morgan McFall-Johnsen 16 mrt 2021
California healthcare workers didn’t know they were fighting a new variant this winter. Their trauma should be a warning. Morgan McFall-Johnsen 13 mrt 2021
NASA’s Perseverance rover just went for its first drive on Mars, then spotted its own wheel tracks in the dirt Morgan McFall-Johnsen 05 mrt 2021
A cyberpunk scene at SpaceX’s launch facilities: A robot dog inspected the wreckage of a Starship rocket prototype Morgan McFall-Johnsen 05 mrt 2021
Elon Musk wil een eigen stad bouwen rond het lanceerplatform van SpaceX in Texas Aria Bendix, Morgan McFall-Johnsen 04 mrt 2021
Minutes after a seemingly successful landing, SpaceX’s Starship rocket exploded on the pad Morgan McFall-Johnsen 03 mrt 2021