A Boston hospital is the latest to deny an organ transplant to a patient who refused to get vaccinated against COVID-19 Morgan McFall-Johnsen 25 jan 2022
The first pig-heart transplant patient was denied a human heart after failing to follow doctors’ orders Morgan McFall-Johnsen 22 jan 2022
Saturn’s ‘Death Star’ moon may have a secret ocean, revealing a new category of worlds that could host alien life Morgan McFall-Johnsen 21 jan 2022
Unknown objects at the heart of the Milky Way are beaming radio signals, then mysteriously disappearing Morgan McFall-Johnsen 15 jan 2022
The recipient of a historic pig-heart transplant stabbed a man years ago. Ethicists say criminal history shouldn’t affect who gets live-saving organs. Morgan McFall-Johnsen 14 jan 2022
Oldest human fossils from eastern Africa are about 30,000 years older than scientists thought Morgan McFall-Johnsen 13 jan 2022
Hyped up ‘moon cube’ discovered by Chinese rover turns out to be a rabbit-shaped rock Morgan McFall-Johnsen 08 jan 2022
Treasure trove of 2,000 fossils reveals life in Australia’s prehistoric rainforest before it turned into desert Morgan McFall-Johnsen 07 jan 2022
NASA launches its long-awaited $10 billion James Webb Space Telescope, kicking off a cosmic revolution Morgan McFall-Johnsen 25 dec 2021
Watch NASA launch its $10 billion, game-changing James Webb Space Telescope on Christmas morning Morgan McFall-Johnsen 23 dec 2021