Meet the artists behind the powerful Black Lives Matter artwork being shared across social media Monica Humphries 12 jun 2020
People in the UK are outraged over a TikTok of an American woman making a cup of ‘British tea’ in the microwave Monica Humphries 11 jun 2020
19 ways people around the world have spread joy to brighten up your week Monica Humphries 09 jun 2020
From Minnesota to Syria, artists around the world are paying tribute to George Floyd with powerful murals Monica Humphries 05 jun 2020
What life is like for 2 women stranded in a tiny cabin in the Arctic, where polar bears and freezing temperatures are constant challenges Monica Humphries 05 jun 2020
Theme parks across Japan are discouraging future visitors from screaming on roller coasters Monica Humphries 28 mei 2020
Pilots are volunteering to fly puppies across the nation on private planes to help them start their training as future service dogs Monica Humphries 27 mei 2020
Photos show how cardboard cutouts and sanitation stations are becoming the new normal for sports stadiums around the world Monica Humphries 21 mei 2020