Time magazine’s latest cover illustrates Trump’s White House transforming into the Kremlin Michelle Mark 18 mei 2017
ICE has arrested a lot more immigrants under Trump — and nearly tripled the number with no criminal record Michelle Mark 17 mei 2017
‘It is dumb on crime’: Sessions’ order for harsher drug sentences meets bipartisan backlash Michelle Mark 12 mei 2017
Top Democratic senator: I’ve read Rod Rosenstein’s memo on Comey 3 times, and each time it gets worse Michelle Mark 11 mei 2017
Sean Spicer huddled near bushes to avoid answering questions about James Comey’s firing Michelle Mark 10 mei 2017
‘Was he fired? You are kidding’: Russia’s foreign minister responds to question about Comey’s firing Michelle Mark 10 mei 2017
A senator live-tweeted his efforts to halt a deportation of a child and his mother already in progress Michelle Mark 03 mei 2017