Lawmakers are bickering over whether Trump said ‘shithouse’ or ‘shithole’ to refer to foreign countries Michelle Mark 16 jan 2018
Trump administration resumes accepting DACA renewal applications under court order Michelle Mark 14 jan 2018
38 minutes of panic: Here’s how people in Hawaii reacted to a false ballistic missile alert Michelle Mark 14 jan 2018
The false Hawaii missile alert was caused by an employee pushing the wrong button, governor says Michelle Mark 13 jan 2018
Senator on Trump ‘shithole countries’ comment: ‘He said those hate-filled things, and he said them repeatedly’ Michelle Mark 12 jan 2018
Trump: ‘Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?’ Michelle Mark 11 jan 2018
Arizona’s controversial new Senate candidate said Dreamers should be deported and become ‘good ambassadors’ from the US like Peace Corps volunteers Michelle Mark 11 jan 2018
How former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio became the most hated lawman in America Michelle Mark 10 jan 2018
Some of Trump’s biggest supporters are furious about his ‘lovefest’ meeting on immigration Michelle Mark 10 jan 2018
The Trump administration is so desperate for a border wall that it is cutting border security measures that have been proven to work Michelle Mark 09 jan 2018