Long-term unemployment is rising, but hiring in select industries has already recovered to pre-pandemic levels Madison Hoff 14 okt 2020
‘The shock from the coronavirus is becoming more and more enduring’: Here’s how long-term unemployment is becoming the most overlooked disaster in the US economy Madison Hoff 13 okt 2020
This chart shows which industries are bouncing back as the pandemic continues Madison Hoff 03 okt 2020
Nearly 650,000 more women than men dropped out of the job market in September Madison Hoff 02 okt 2020
2 charts show how much presidential candidates since 2011 paid in federal income tax — and it’s way more than Trump’s reported $750 Madison Hoff 30 sep 2020
Housing in the US has not been able to keep up with buyer demand over the past decade Madison Hoff 27 sep 2020
One chart shows which jobs got walloped or bounced back since the pandemic first hit the US Madison Hoff 18 sep 2020
Job promotions are down compared to last year, especially in the tourism industry Madison Hoff 10 sep 2020