The states where the most Americans quit their jobs in October as the labor shortage lingered Ben Winck, Madison Hoff 17 dec 2021
Alle vrouwen op aarde verdienen ongeveer de helft zoveel als mannen – dat is nauwelijks veranderd sinds 1990 Jason Lalljee, Madison Hoff 14 dec 2021
Why it’s not really a labor shortage, according to the author of a report that just crunched data on millions of job searches and reviews Rachel DuRose, Madison Hoff 12 dec 2021
All the women on Earth make about half as much money as the men. That’s barely changed since 1990. Jason Lalljee, Madison Hoff 09 dec 2021
A big reason for the labor shortage is hiding in plain sight — daycares are losing workers Juliana Kaplan, Madison Hoff 04 dec 2021
The dismal November jobs report showed a massive slowdown in hiring at restaurants and hotels Madison Hoff, Juliana Kaplan 03 dec 2021
Almost half of Americans are feeling the financial pain of paying higher prices in this economy Madison Hoff 02 dec 2021
Over 90% of job switchers said they quit because the pandemic made them feel like ‘life is too short to stay in a job they weren’t passionate about’ Juliana Kaplan, Madison Hoff 02 dec 2021
Fintechs helped Black-owned small businesses get access to PPP loans during the pandemic more than banks did. It’s weird. Madison Hoff 01 dec 2021