We were wrong about the Great Resignation. Workers are still powerless and the looming recession will make it worse. Juliana Kaplan, Madison Hoff 17 jul 2022
3 reasons people are regretting quitting their jobs to join the Great Resignation Madison Hoff 17 jul 2022
Why is inflation still surging? Blame eye-popping gas prices. Juliana Kaplan, Madison Hoff 13 jul 2022
The supply chain crisis is getting better — and it could make a lot of things cheaper soon Juliana Kaplan, Madison Hoff 11 jul 2022
The US is still nowhere near a recession, according to the June jobs report Ben Winck, Juliana Kaplan, Madison Hoff 09 jul 2022
More Americans gave up on working in June, and it shows that not everyone is finding the job they want Juliana Kaplan, Madison Hoff, Alex Ford 08 jul 2022
The US is right around the corner from recovering the jobs lost during the pandemic Ben Winck, Madison Hoff, Juliana Kaplan 08 jul 2022
The US added 372,000 jobs in June, beating forecasts as the economy edges closer to pre-crisis employment Ben Winck, Madison Hoff 08 jul 2022
This map shows the most disproportionately popular job in cities across the US Madison Hoff 07 jul 2022