John Boehner says that Mitch McConnell ‘holds his feelings, thoughts, and emotions in a lockbox’ John L. Dorman 11 apr 2021
Trump predicts that the GOP will retake Congress in 2022 and the White House in 2024 John L. Dorman 11 apr 2021
Harry Reid on former House Speaker John Boehner: ‘I did everything I could to cause him trouble’ but we ‘got a lot done’ John L. Dorman 11 apr 2021
‘I’m not going anywhere’: Matt Gaetz defiant in Florida speech after House Ethics Committee opens investigation John L. Dorman 10 apr 2021
Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp says that voters waiting in long lines can order from Uber Eats John L. Dorman 10 apr 2021
Former GOP House Speaker John Boehner calls fellow Republican Jim Jordan a ‘political terrorist’ John L. Dorman 10 apr 2021
Ted Cruz derides Boehner criticism as ‘drunken, bloviated scorn’ while mocking the former speaker’s penchant for tears John L. Dorman 10 apr 2021
As Nina Turner runs for Congress in Ohio’s 11th Congressional District, her local roots take center stage John L. Dorman 07 apr 2021
Transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg backs Biden’s infrastructure bill, says ‘we’re still coasting on infrastructure choices’ from the 1950s John L. Dorman 04 apr 2021
A major Texas highway expansion project has been paused to examine possible violation of 1964 Civil Rights Act John L. Dorman 04 apr 2021