Trump defends Kavanaugh and attacks his second accuser: She ‘admits she was drunk’ John Haltiwanger 25 sep 2018
De VN barst in lachen uit, als Trump beweert dat hij meer bereikt heeft dan zijn voorgangers John Haltiwanger 25 sep 2018
Protesters across the US staged a walkout in solidarity with Kavanaugh’s accusers John Haltiwanger 25 sep 2018
Trump and the White House have come out swinging at the new sexual-assault allegations against Kavanaugh, painting them as a smear campaign John Haltiwanger 24 sep 2018
Trump now plans to keep US troops in Syria until Iran gets out, which means America may never leave John Haltiwanger 24 sep 2018
Yale professor reportedly told students Kavanaugh prefers law clerks who look ‘like models’ John Haltiwanger 21 sep 2018
Trump wil dat Spanje een muur in de Sahara bouwt om de vluchtelingencrisis aan te pakken John Haltiwanger 20 sep 2018
Trump wants Spain to build a wall across the Sahara desert, which is in Africa, to address the European migration crisis John Haltiwanger 20 sep 2018
Trump says it’s ‘very hard for me to imagine anything happened’ between Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford John Haltiwanger 19 sep 2018
Brett Kavanaugh’s friend Mark Judge breaks silence about alleged sexual assault incident but says he will not testify John Haltiwanger 18 sep 2018