An LA resident moved to NYC and gave up her car. She never wants to go back to driving: ‘I’ve got more money in my wallet but I also just feel like my life is better’ Jacob Zinkula 21 jul 2022
When a recession hits, it’s more likely you’ll start your own businesses — even if you didn’t plan to Jacob Zinkula 20 jul 2022
The US might avoid a recession, but it won’t be unscathed if the European economy tanks Jacob Zinkula 20 jul 2022
Working from home makes it easier to quit your job and find a better one — a recession would threaten that freedom Jacob Zinkula 19 jul 2022
The dollar is the strongest it’s been in 20 years — it’s a bad thing for some US businesses and investors Jacob Zinkula 18 jul 2022
A 31-year-old felt unhappy and underpaid at work, so she quit and started her own business: ‘I have never felt so empowered’ Jacob Zinkula 17 jul 2022
It’s the best time in 20 years for Americans to travel to — and shop in — Europe Jacob Zinkula, Madison Hoff 07 jul 2022