Tesla hit with new sexual harassment lawsuit alleging the company operates like a ‘frat house’ Grace Kay 19 nov 2021
A CNN reporter tried Tesla’s Full Self-Driving in New York City. It kept trying to turn into oncoming traffic Grace Kay 19 nov 2021
Cargo ships queues have been pushed 150 miles off the coast of Southern California Grace Kay, Heather Schlitz 19 nov 2021
California lawmakers call for a state of emergency at ports, warning of a ‘massive crisis with no signs of slowing’ Grace Kay 18 nov 2021
De bitcoins van Satoshi Nakamoto ter waarde van $64 miljard staan centraal in een rechtszaak in Florida – dit is er aan de hand Grace Kay 16 nov 2021
Satoshi Nakamoto’s $64 billion Bitcoin stake is the focal point of a Florida trial — here’s what’s going on Grace Kay 15 nov 2021
A second mate explains how cargo ships ‘race to anchor’ outside backlogged ports and vie for spots in weeks-long lines Grace Kay 14 nov 2021
A trucker explains the truck driver shortage: We’re ’tired of carrying the country on our backs’ Grace Kay 11 nov 2021
Take a look at the cab-less driverless ‘Pods’ that could one day turn truck driving into a desk job Grace Kay 11 nov 2021