Former SpaceX engineer says she was sexually harassed and ‘misogyny is rampant’ at Elon Musk’s rocket company Grace Kay 14 dec 2021
Colorado schools are calling in parents to serve as substitute teachers as the labor shortage rocks public schools Grace Kay 13 dec 2021
This image shows the port backlogs haven’t decreased — the problem’s just lurking over the horizon Grace Kay 12 dec 2021
Tesla hit with second sexual harassment lawsuit in a month, worker alleges her manager massaged her and said he ‘is big down there’ Grace Kay 11 dec 2021
The US’ biggest export this year was air, thanks to over 12 million empty shipping containers reportedly leaving ports Grace Kay 09 dec 2021
Over one-third of gig workers say they have felt unsafe on the job, and nearly one-fifth have experienced sexual harassment Grace Kay 08 dec 2021
Pete Buttigieg slams Elon Musk’s criticism of Biden’s EV agenda: ‘We believe in the benefits of union jobs’ Grace Kay 08 dec 2021
Elon Musk says he splits his time between Tesla and SpaceX depending on the ‘crisis of the moment’ Grace Kay 07 dec 2021
Elon Musk shot down a system that would monitor Autopilot malfunctions over fears it would slow progress, NYT report says Grace Kay 06 dec 2021
Amazon is making its own shipping containers — and waiting as little as 2 days outside ports Grace Kay 06 dec 2021