Huma Abedin first blamed herself and Anthony Weiner for Clinton’s loss to Trump, but later faulted FBI director James Comey Eliza Relman 01 nov 2021
Mike Pence rails against ‘racist’ public education at a private Christian college in Virginia days before the state’s heated gubernatorial election Eliza Relman 29 okt 2021
Mark Zuckerberg opposed pushing Spanish-language voting information on WhatsApp because he thought it would look partisan Eliza Relman 25 okt 2021
Trump admits he didn’t go all-out to push Republicans to vote in the Georgia Senate runoffs because he was ‘angry’ over losing the election, book says Grace Panetta, Eliza Relman 19 okt 2021
Trump mocks Nikki Haley for being ‘eviscerated’ by the GOP base, new book says Eliza Relman, Grace Panetta 19 okt 2021
Republican Sen. Bill Cassidy says he won’t vote for Trump in 2024 because ‘elections are about winning’ Eliza Relman 18 okt 2021
Stephanie Grisham says when Trump ‘needed someone to tell him how awesome he was’ he’d call Matt Gaetz, who would ‘sing for his supper’ Eliza Relman 06 okt 2021
7 opmerkelijke onthullingen over Donald Trump uit het nieuwe boek van zijn voormalige woordvoerster John Haltiwanger, Sonam Sheth, Eliza Relman, Business Insider Nederland 05 okt 2021
Stephanie Grisham says Donald and Melania Trump were ’totally unfazed’ when she told them a White House staffer had physically abused her Eliza Relman 05 okt 2021
Stephanie Grisham says she and other Trump staffers ‘got heady with power’ and ‘didn’t think about serving the country’ Eliza Relman 04 okt 2021