Aside from vaccination, mask-wearing seems the most effective tool for combating COVID-19, a major study suggests Dr. Catherine Schuster-Bruce 19 nov 2021
Een wetenschapper die het coronavirus onderzoekt, voorspelt dat het blijft muteren maar langzamer dan in het verleden Dr. Catherine Schuster-Bruce 18 nov 2021
The Delta variant was detected on 99.7% of sequenced tests worldwide in the past 60 days Dr. Catherine Schuster-Bruce 17 nov 2021
Fauci says COVID-19 cases need to fall below 10,000 per day for a ‘degree of normality,’ as daily cases reach 85,000 Dr. Catherine Schuster-Bruce 17 nov 2021
Antibody tests can show whether you need a COVID-19 booster shot, some experts say — but the FDA disagrees Dr. Catherine Schuster-Bruce 16 nov 2021
A scientist tracking the coronavirus predicts it will keep mutating to avoid the immune response — but at a slower rate than before Dr. Catherine Schuster-Bruce 16 nov 2021
Moms may pass on COVID-19 antibodies in breast milk, a small study found – but it’s unclear what that means for the baby Dr. Catherine Schuster-Bruce 11 nov 2021
Unvaccinated people are at least 20 times more likely to die from COVID-19 caused by the infectious Delta variant than those who’ve had 2 shots, real-world data suggests Dr. Catherine Schuster-Bruce 09 nov 2021
A COVID-19 vaccine patch could produce a better immune response than an injection, an early study shows Dr. Catherine Schuster-Bruce 01 nov 2021
Fully-vaccinated people can pass on the Delta variant at home, including to other vaccinated people, a study finds – but unvaccinated people are still at most risk Dr. Catherine Schuster-Bruce 29 okt 2021