A burned-out, boarded-up bungalow in LA just went under contract a few weeks after being listed for almost $1 million cash Dominick Reuter 18 mrt 2022
A record high number of real estate agents are trying to sell a record low number of homes: ‘It’s like that Hungry Hungry Hippo game … except there’s only one ball’ Dominick Reuter 16 mrt 2022
Why Russian oil sanctions rattle America’s energy markets, even though the US is the biggest producer Dominick Reuter 14 mrt 2022
5 million people have moved to a new area because of remote work since 2020. Another 19 million could still follow. Dominick Reuter 12 mrt 2022
Sanctions on Russian oil are squeezing California particularly hard and could lead to $7 gas Dominick Reuter 10 mrt 2022
Als vakantieganger meereizen op een containerschip: zo groot is het contrast met een cruiseschip Brittany Chang, Dominick Reuter 09 mrt 2022
UK ports are asking for government help to identify which of more than 6,000 Russia-affiliated ships are barred from entry Dominick Reuter 09 mrt 2022
Amazon Web Services has halted taking on new customers in Russia and Belarus Dominick Reuter 08 mrt 2022
Gas prices are higher than ever, and the US is likely to see $5 per gallon before they start to come back down Dominick Reuter 08 mrt 2022