Trump says he wants to debate politicians and leading editors in a ‘ratings bonanza’ TV special on election fraud Cheryl Teh 29 nov 2021
Mike Lindell says he’ll send a free copy of his memoir to anyone who contributes to his ‘legal offense fund’ Sarah Al-Arshani, Cheryl Teh 27 nov 2021
Zuid-Koreanen zijn zo gestrest dat ze geld uitgeven om in een kamer te zitten waar ze wezenloos voor zich uit kunnen staren Cheryl Teh, Business Insider Nederland 26 nov 2021
South Koreans are so stressed, they’re forking out cash just to sit in a room and stare blankly into space Cheryl Teh 26 nov 2021
North Korea is banning leather coats to prevent its people from imitating Kim Jong Un’s fashion style: report Cheryl Teh 26 nov 2021
Marjorie Taylor Greene says Kevin McCarthy ‘doesn’t have the votes’ or full support from the House GOP to be speaker Cheryl Teh 26 nov 2021
Ikea Japan verhuurt piepkleine woningen van 10 m² voor ongeveer 75 eurocent per maand Cheryl Teh, Business Insider Nederland 25 nov 2021
Followers of the QAnon movement are lashing out at Kyle Rittenhouse for his comments on lawyer Lin Wood Cheryl Teh 25 nov 2021
Walmart took down more than a dozen listings of ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ shirts that were being sold on its website by third-party suppliers Cheryl Teh 25 nov 2021