When big ships go out of service, they’re sent to a ship graveyard in India. But work there has ground to as a COVID surge grips the country. Cheryl Teh 21 apr 2021
Alan Dershowitz accused Maxine Waters of using ‘KKK tactics’ to intimidate the jury in the Chauvin murder trial Cheryl Teh 21 apr 2021
Marjorie Taylor Greene is holding another gun giveaway – despite there having been at least 156 mass shootings in the US since the start of the year Cheryl Teh 21 apr 2021
I watched eight hours of Mike Lindell’s 48-hour Frank-A-Thon. Here are the highlights. Cheryl Teh 20 apr 2021
Kevin McCarthy jumps on Marjorie Taylor Greene’s bandwagon, saying he’ll introduce his own resolution to censure Maxine Waters for her ‘dangerous comments’ Cheryl Teh 20 apr 2021
Trump calls for Biden to reinstate a foreign travel ban to ‘keep our country safe from radical Islamic terrorism’ Cheryl Teh 20 apr 2021
China might be purging Bill Gates’ and Steve Jobs’ biographies from 240 million students’ reading lists to eliminate ‘veneration of the West’ Cheryl Teh 19 apr 2021
Disney Plus appears to have pulled Armie Hammer’s ‘Running Wild with Bear Grylls’ episode from its streaming platform Cheryl Teh 19 apr 2021
US backs Japan’s plan to release radioactive water from Fukushima despite pushback from South Korea, China, and Russia Cheryl Teh 19 apr 2021
Massive milk tanker overturns and leaks 28,000 liters of milk, turning river white Cheryl Teh 16 apr 2021