More than 69 pounds of cocaine bricks worth over $5 million were seized from a Florida cruise liner’s cargo Cheryl Teh 14 jun 2021
QAnon followers think a cicada landing on Biden may be a veiled communication from Q Cheryl Teh 11 jun 2021
Chinese techbedrijven gebruiken software om te controleren of personeel wel 12 uur per dag werkt Cheryl Teh 10 jun 2021
California’s latest bid to bolster its economy? Releasing 17 million fish into the San Francisco Bay. Cheryl Teh 10 jun 2021
Chinese tech companies are using ‘Third Eye’ surveillance software to make sure their tech workers are pulling punishing ‘9-9-6’ shifts Cheryl Teh 09 jun 2021
More and more Chinese 20-somethings are rejecting the rat race and ‘lying flat’ after watching their friends work themselves to death Cheryl Teh 08 jun 2021
A landmine-sniffing rat is retiring after 5 years of helping explosives teams clear 20 football fields worth of land Cheryl Teh 07 jun 2021
A North Carolina student’s diploma was withheld after he draped a Mexican flag over his high school graduation robes Cheryl Teh 07 jun 2021
China blokkeert kaars- en taart-emoji op Weibo om de herdenking van het bloedbad op het Plein van de Hemelse Vrede te censureren Cheryl Teh 04 jun 2021
‘A special kind of hell’: Property prices in the US may be sky-high, but some Australian homebuyers are seeing home prices shoot up by AU$1,000 a day Cheryl Teh 04 jun 2021