‘Catastrophic’ flooding expected as Hurricane Florence dumps rain over the Carolina coast Jeremy Berke, Bryan Logan, Hilary Brueck 14 sep 2018
Michael Moore denkt dat Donald Trump de laatste ‘gekozen president’ van de VS kan zijn, omdat hij lak heeft aan de rechtsstaat Bryan Logan, Business Insider Nederland 13 sep 2018
Michael Moore says he believes Trump could be America’s last president because ‘he has no respect for the rule of law’ Bryan Logan 13 sep 2018
Following Obama’s lead, George W. Bush is hitting the campaign trail ahead of the November midterms Bryan Logan 12 sep 2018
CBS reportedly dropped the ball on sexual misconduct allegations against Les Moonves because a bitter fight with its parent company led to years of mistrust Bryan Logan 11 sep 2018
‘Dissent is as American as apple pie’: Trump’s UN ambassador Nikki Haley insists that she challenges the president ‘directly’ in opinion column rebuking anonymous op-ed Bryan Logan 08 sep 2018
Elon Musk in a wide-ranging note to employees: ‘We’re about to have to most amazing quarter in our history’ Bryan Logan 08 sep 2018
Giuliani says Trump will not answer Mueller’s questions about obstruction of justice in the Russia probe Associated Press, Bryan Logan 07 sep 2018
Brett Kavanaugh dodged questions about recusing himself from Supreme Court cases on the Russia investigation Bryan Logan 07 sep 2018
‘I think you’re thinking of someone and you don’t want to tell us’: Kamala Harris corners Brett Kavanaugh on a question about the Mueller investigation Bryan Logan 06 sep 2018