Bitcoingekte legt belangrijke digitale handelsplatforms plat Becky Peterson, Arjan Meesterburrie 29 nov 2017
Tech VCs: Why it looks as if Silicon Valley has become boring — and why that’s wrong Becky Peterson, Caroline Cakebread 29 nov 2017
Bitcoin’s price is collapsing and people can’t trade because 2 big exchanges have crashed Becky Peterson 29 nov 2017
Ex-Uber staffer says in bombshell letter that the company had a unit dedicated to stealing trade secrets Becky Peterson 28 nov 2017
Expensify CEO says its ‘automated’ service is ‘proud’ to use humans to process receipts Becky Peterson 28 nov 2017
WeWork just led a $32 million funding round for a female-run startup that’s basically a social club for women Becky Peterson 22 nov 2017
Uber reportedly paid hackers $100,000 to cover up a cyberattack that exposed the personal data of 57 million people Becky Peterson 21 nov 2017
In the days leading up to its IPO, Spotify told investors that it’s more focused on music than Apple or Amazon Becky Peterson 15 sep 2017