Anthropologists have found the oldest skull of one of our of earliest human ancestors. The 3.8 million-year-old fossil changes our understanding of human history. Aylin Woodward 28 aug 2019
Trump is niet de eerste met het idee om kernbommen op orkanen te gooien – dit is wat er zou gebeuren als we het zouden doen Aylin Woodward, Business Insider Nederland 27 aug 2019
Trump reportedly suggested fighting hurricanes with nukes. Here’s what would really happen if we set off a bomb in the eye of a storm. Aylin Woodward 26 aug 2019
The Amazon Rainforest is burning. Here’s why there are so many fires and what it all means for the planet. Aylin Woodward 24 aug 2019
Brazil has seen 100,000 fire alerts in 10 days, but it’s not just the Amazon — one map shows how much of South America is burning Aylin Woodward 24 aug 2019
The Amazon rainforest is on fire because farmers are deliberately setting fires. 99% of Amazon fires were started by humans — here’s why they’ve gotten so out of control Morgan McFall-Johnsen, Aylin Woodward 23 aug 2019
The ‘lungs of the planet’ are burning at a record rate. If too much of the Amazon disappears, that ‘dieback’ could turn the land into a savanna. Aylin Woodward 23 aug 2019
The blazes in the Amazon are so big they can be seen from space. One map shows the alarming scale of the fires. Aylin Woodward 23 aug 2019
Striking photos show the devastation wreaked by record-breaking fires in the Amazon rainforest Joey Hadden, Aylin Woodward 22 aug 2019
Amazon fires created a smoke eclipse in the skies above Brazil’s largest city, 2,000 miles away Aylin Woodward 22 aug 2019