Thousands of student-loan borrowers are getting a second chance at debt forgiveness after being ‘cruelly denied’ under Betsy DeVos Ayelet Sheffey 13 okt 2021
Universal basic income could become a reality in South Korea under a presidential candidate who once likened himself to Bernie Sanders Ayelet Sheffey 12 okt 2021
A judge stripped a veteran’s $221,000 in student loan forgiveness, and it shows how hard the law makes it to get rid of student debt Ayelet Sheffey 11 okt 2021
Meet a 57-year-old dad with $104,000 in student debt for his son: ‘It was my obligation to do the best I could for him’ Ayelet Sheffey 10 okt 2021
Bernie Sanders isn’t holding back anymore, accusing Sinema and Manchin of selling out Biden’s agenda to big pharma Ayelet Sheffey 08 okt 2021
Biden’s Education Dept. just announced a new office to ‘vigorously investigate’ schools’ student-loan and federal aid abuses Ayelet Sheffey 08 okt 2021
Biden has 2 weeks to give answers on cancelling student debt broadly, says AOC, Ilhan Omar, and 12 other Democrats Ayelet Sheffey 08 okt 2021
140,000 American children lost a caregiver to the pandemic, deepening the childcare crisis Ayelet Sheffey 07 okt 2021
Biden’s administration is cracking down on for-profit schools that made ‘false promises’ about students’ futures and drove them into debt Ayelet Sheffey 06 okt 2021
Biden’s Education Dept. just wiped out $1.74 billion of student debt for 22,000 borrowers through a major overhaul of a loan forgiveness program Ayelet Sheffey 06 okt 2021