Student-loan borrowers who default could have their child tax credit payments seized – something that’s ‘entirely preventable’ if Biden cancels student debt now, 105 organizations say Ayelet Sheffey 01 nov 2021
Read the redacted student-debt cancellation memo that Biden has been ‘examining’ since April Ayelet Sheffey 01 nov 2021
Biden has been sitting on a student-debt memo for over 6 months that could wipe out billions – but he won’t reveal what it says Ayelet Sheffey 01 nov 2021
The student debt crisis will be ‘exacerbated’ after Biden cut free community college from his $1.75 trillion social-spending plan, the congressman behind the educational initiative says Ayelet Sheffey 30 okt 2021
AOC says now is the time to ‘bring the heat on Biden’ to cancel student debt: ‘He doesn’t need Manchin’s permission for that’ Ayelet Sheffey 29 okt 2021
Biden is heading to a meeting of world leaders with a massive new effort to fight the climate crisis – the biggest investment in his scaled-down $1.75 trillion spending plan Ayelet Sheffey 28 okt 2021
Here are all of Biden’s progressive campaign promises that got cut from his $1.75 trillion social-spending package Juliana Kaplan, Ayelet Sheffey 28 okt 2021
Biden releases slimmed-down $1.75 trillion spending framework, cutting social benefits plan by over half Joseph Zeballos-Roig, Ayelet Sheffey, Juliana Kaplan 28 okt 2021
Donald Trump bashes Democrats’ new billionaire tax and suggests he might flee the US, but he’ll ‘stick it out’ Joseph Zeballos-Roig, Ayelet Sheffey 27 okt 2021
Ilhan Omar is fed up with Biden’s Education Dept. dragging its feet on cancelling student debt: ‘Release the memo’ Ayelet Sheffey 27 okt 2021