The White House says it’s time to pay up on your student loans again starting February 1, but they’re watching to see how much Omicron could hit the economy Ayelet Sheffey 14 dec 2021
Elizabeth Warren slams Elon Musk’s ‘person of the year’ title, saying the tax code should be changed so he stops ‘freeloading off everyone else’ Ayelet Sheffey 13 dec 2021
Elon Musk rips the political class again, saying ‘government is inherently not a good steward of capital’ even though his companies thrived from government subsidies Ayelet Sheffey 13 dec 2021
In Europa staat de middenklasse er een stuk beter voor dan in de VS, waar een ‘schuldenexplosie’ zorgt voor veel financiële stress Ayelet Sheffey, Hillary Hoffower 13 dec 2021
Meet an independent voter with $163,000 in student debt who left the Democratic Party after 4 decades because she felt ‘betrayed’ by Joe Biden: ‘I really felt he was going to help us with the student-loan problem’ Ayelet Sheffey 12 dec 2021
Europe’s oldest surviving college was formed out of a strike 1,000 years ago by scholars demanding better pay, one of England’s ‘hip young historians’ says Ayelet Sheffey, Juliana Kaplan 12 dec 2021
‘The strongest case imaginable’ to pause student-loan payments even longer comes from staggering inflation report, advocates say Ayelet Sheffey 10 dec 2021
John Kerry just endorsed AOC’s plan to spend big on fighting the climate crisis: ‘Trillions can clearly — and will need to — be invested’ Ayelet Sheffey 10 dec 2021
Biden touts fastest-ever shift from people on ‘government support to earning a weekly paycheck’ while preparing for another gnarly inflation report Ayelet Sheffey, Juliana Kaplan 09 dec 2021
The student-loan payment restart in 55 days will ‘strip’ $85 billion from 18 million borrowers next year, 3 top Democrats say Ayelet Sheffey 08 dec 2021